Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to JoAnn Meaker. We are both members of the Walkerton Writers group. I first met JoAnn last year at about this time when she was putting the finishing touches on Four Branches. I really enjoyed reading the chapters she presented to us, and was thrilled when she asked […]
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Blog Tour: Wrong Place, Right Time
Wrong Place, Right Time by Brooke Williams A Novella Release Date: December 9 , 2014 Published by: The Writers Coffee Shop Genre: Fiction: Romance/General ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-289-1 Available from: Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and TWCS PH ~~SUMMARY~~ Wrong Place, Right Time is a humorous, light romance about TV traffic reporter, Kate Covington. […]
Read the rest of this entry »Book Reviews
I am participating in’s Read and Review program. I have been pleasantly surprised with the quality of books I have read so far. The real bonus is that I get to help other authors and it costs me nothing. Here are reviews for the three I have read. Love Edy by Shewanda Pugh My […]
Read the rest of this entry »Vanessa Davis Griggs
Vanessa Davis Griggs is a great writer and a wonderful person. Everyday she posts really positive inspirational messages on her Facebook page. I would totally love to meet her someday. I have read two of her books so far, and enjoyed both. Here is the review for Destiny Unlimited that I posted on the Goodreads […]
Read the rest of this entry »Free Books to Read and Review has started a read and review program. I am one of many participating authors. Any book you choose will be sent to you for free in exchange for an honest review if you are one of the first twenty-five people who request it. I have gotten two books from this program in the last […]
Read the rest of this entry »Book Review: Alone at Midnight by Scott Zavoda
Book Description Scott Zavoda delivers with hellish vividness and aching emotion. He’s unleashed seven tales that will claw at your soul. Already sold as singles, “Bobby” and “Beneath the Sand”, have garnered rave reviews. They’re included along with five more gripping stories. Randy Bivins gets a shocking phone call two days before Christmas. The stranger […]
Read the rest of this entry »Four Branches by JoAnn Meaker
Book Description: Rachel Benton and her daughter embark on a pleasant country drive to research her ancestors when a sudden storm drives them in an unexpected direction. Stranded and alone, an isolated cabin seems to offer refuge, but within those timbered walls more threats await. Rachel’s troubles in the present are woven together with a […]
Read the rest of this entry »Book Review: Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls
This has got to be the best book I have read recently, and rivals Dan Brown’s books. It was the perfect mix of fact and fiction. The characters were very real. I cared for them deeply from the start. The descriptions made me feel like I was watching a movie. I was involved from the […]
Read the rest of this entry »Book Reviews
A few weeks ago, I joined Crossreads Reviewers. It is a group of Christian writers who support each other’s writing. I have read and reviewed three books since joining. My reviews are below. Catch a Robber by Gloria Repp My rating: 5 of 5 stars I was given this book for review purposes and LOVED […]
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