Meet Wayne Yeager

Written By: carolmoye - May• 12•14

Sheep Among Wolves CoverWhen did you first start writing?

My mother recalls that when I was seven years old I used to write little stories on paper during church. The adults around me often looked over my shoulder to read the stories. One of the adults even told my mother my stories were the highlight of Sundays at church. That’s a bit misguided, and it’s not to say I was a polished author at seven, but I did enjoy creating and writing at a young age. I remember “publishing” my first story in sixth grade when my teacher put together our stories into a book form to take home. That’s when I wrote my first series, a horror story called “Spikeman.” It spawned three sequels. From then I was hooked. I started writing for my school newspapers after that and eventually went to college to get my journalism degree.

What’s the story behind your latest book?

It’s all about a choice. One choice that makes all the difference. In the story, which I co-wrote with Tony Harmon, a corrupt Galactic government, called the Unity, rules the galaxy and has outlawed all religion but their own, which basically worships the government. A boy is born with the ability to recite the Bible, which has been all but destroyed by the government. When the Unity learns of his existence, they won’t stop until he is found and captured. Now one choice can make all the difference between a Unity victory and utter defeat.

What was the hardest part about writing your book?

Honestly, it was getting it published. Sheep Among Wolves has been a 15-year journey. Tony and I started writing it in college. We had a finished draft within two years, but struggled to get it published. We didn’t know what to do and this was before the e-book era. So we tweaked it on and off for the next 10 years, until we finally decided to go the self-publishing route. Now we’re hard at work on the third book in the series. Book two is in the editing stage. It’s so exciting to finally have people read what we have worked so hard on for so long.

Is there a message in your book that you want your readers to grasp?

Yes, one choice makes all the difference. We can struggle with faith and belief and hope, but when you hold on to those things you can change lives and destinies. Ultimately, one choice makes all the difference in this life and the next.

What motivated you to become an indie author?

First off, the genre we write is hard to sell to publishers. It’s a science fiction book with strong Christian themes. Christian publishers aren’t interested in science fiction tales. Science fiction publishers are scared off by the strong Christian themes. So it’s hard to find a publisher interested in our work. Throw in the fact that publishing is changing. Traditional publishing is harder and harder to get into. Bookstores are closing. It just makes sense, for our book, to go the independent route.

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?

I love telling a story. I love to create characters, make them live and make them breathe. It’s so fun to explore heroes and villains and the stories they tell.

What writing advice to you have for other aspiring writers?

Write early and write often. Write as much as you can. That’s the only way to find your voice.

What are you working on next?

As I mentioned earlier, book two of the Sheep Among Wolves series is currently in the editing stage. We’ve just begun to write book three, while mapping out books 4-6. We are excited about where this series is going.

Who are your favorite authors?

Timothy Zahn. Hands down. He is my favorite author.

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

Well, I’m a pastor and a seminary student. I also coach my little girl’s soccer team.


Book Purchase Links:



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dividing lineNote from Blog Author:

I downloaded and read the sample for this book from Amazon. Although I don’t generally read much Science Fiction, this book captivated me from the first word. Wayne and Tony are great writers. Their use of imagery and description painted vivid pictures in my mind. There was action from the start that drew me in and kept me reading. Their characters are very likeable and “human”.  For you sci-fi fans, don’t wait. Buy this book!

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