
Most of the time when we have anywhere to go, we hail a “Tuk”. They remind me of the cars on “The Turnpike” at Kennywood. They sound, feel, and ride just like them. They are like cabs here. The drivers charge Q.5 which is less than a dollar and will take you anywhere in Pana you want to go. If you like a certain driver you can get his cell number and call him, or just stand in any spot, one will pass. My favorite tuk story was the one on Friday evening. The driver asked where we were from in Spanish. When I told him Pennsylvania, he said, “Where?”. I said Pittsburgh, “Steelers”. He was quite familiar with the Steelers, but it gets even better. He worked in Somerset, Gettysburg, and Frederick, MD (where I spent my first two years in college). How funny is that? Small world. I think his name was Martin.


This tuk driver worked in Somerset, PA, Gettysburg, PA and Frederick, MD as well as Grand Rapids, MI


Do you know where old school buses go to die live? Guatemala. They are known as “chicken buses”. They are fixed up, brightly painted, and serve as public transportation here. I think they are fascinating! Here are a few.

_DSC0135 Chicken bus


2 thoughts on “Transportation

  1. Heather Cunningham

    Would you believe that India has the same transport and calls them tuk-tuks? I wonder who started that…there weren’t any tuks in Guate when I was there in 1995…only motorcycles!

    1. carolmoye Post author

      That is funny that the name is the same. It was really a wonderful experience. I feel so blessed to have been able to go there with someone who knows the area well.


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