First Draft of Volume III in my Hands
Goodreads Reviews
Launch Day
Unfailing Love is no longer a work in progress. It is now available for Kindle and in print.
The Kindle version is free this weekend, May 2-4.
Psalm 91
When my father was in the nursing home on life support, I would go visit him, Bible in hand. Psalm 91 was his favorite scripture, and I read it to him often. For that reason, this Psalm is special to me, and in my book is dedicated to my father. I still miss you, Dad.
A Soldier’s Psalm
Dedicated to James C. Shelton Sr.
Heading off to the front lines with supplies
You carry the best available protection
You are living
In the shadows
Of the almighty
Safe under his wings
He alone makes you feel safe
You trust him completely
No need to fear disease
Night terrors do not come
Although danger surrounds you
You feel secure
Thousands may be
Dying around you
Yet, you are unharmed
God sends his angels
They keep you steady
You do not stumble
You step on a land mine
It does not explode
Snakes and wild animals
But do not attack
Because you put your trust
In God
He hears your prayers
And returns you
To your family
Satisfying you
With a long
Full life
Staying by your side
Until he
Calls you home.
Psalm 70
Just like I get songs stuck in my head, the rhythm and rhyme of this Psalm reflection haunts me. It’s rather Dr. Seuss-like to me. The writer of the original Psalm was growing impatient waiting on the Lord to save him. I think we have all felt that way at some point. I know I have. I know God is working, but sometimes waiting is SO hard.
Hurry Up Lord!
Hurry up Lord! Come right away
Don’t think I can manage to wait another day.
Stop those who are coming after me,
End the taunts, hear my plea.
Save me now, God of strength and might.
Do it now. I need you tonight!
“Do not rush me,” I hear you say.
Things always turn out better that way.
I calm down and sing to thee,
Knowing in you, I’ll have the victory.
Volume II
Draft two of “Unfailing Love: Psalms in the Key of my Life” as been sent to the printer. After reviewing, I’ll be looking for a few beta readers.
This book as you might expect, is a collection of reflections on Psalms 51-100. I hope to have the final version available by late Spring both in Kindle and Print versions.
My first book, Psalms in the Key of my Life, is now published. It is a collection of reflections on the biblical Psalms. It is the first in a series of three volumes. Volume I contains reflections on Psalms 1-50. Psalms in the Key of My Life is now available for sale in both print and Kindle versions on Amazon.
The electronic versions are also available at the following locations :
Smashwords (epub, Kindle, pdf, Nook, html) : .
Barnes and Noble Nook Version: