Awed. Amazed. Antipicating……..

Written By: carolmoye - Jul• 09•13

The reactions I have been getting to the first volume of my book are overwhelming. God seems to have taken this vessel, given her a task, and blessed it beyond measure. It’s not the first time I have seen God take my little and turn it into something far more than I could even imagine, but I am always humbled and awestruck when I watch it happening. What I imagined I was writing for myself, turned into a work that is causing others to go more deeply into the word, to reflect on it, to feel inspired by God’s unfailing love. It is not at this point a financial blessing. But I don’t really care about that. It if far more valuable to have blessed others through my writing.

I already know the title of volume II. It is “Unfailing Love”. Not until beginning this project did I notice how frequently that term occurs in the Psalms. As I read through Psalms 51-60, I am noticing other really fascinating similarities, esp. in the difficult ones 54-58. Three of them were written to the same tune, “Do Not Destroy”, at least two were for stringed instruments. Most have titles that I will use to help guide my writing. I am really feeling inspired to put several of these to music. I have committed to share at least one musical composition with a church musician I know (teeth chatter, knees knock). I had my son return the guitar we share. Between that and my cello, I will spend time writing this week. I have updated my music software; so technically, I have what I need. It’s time to shake the rust off these fingers and make myself work on all the things I learned at Berklee College of Music (online). I have a sneaking suspicion that God is in this and because of that, some amazing musical composition is going to come from my efforts. Bring it on God! I am a willing vessel. I don’t feel like I’m good enough, but I know from experience that you use those who offer what they have for your service.

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