My new book, Praise the Lord: Psalms 101-150 (Psalms in the Key of my Life: Vol. III) is now available for purchase. There are several things that make this launch more exciting than the first two. First of all, it is the completion of a project that I was not at all sure I would […]
Read the rest of this entry »Psalm 126
To the followers of my Wordless Wednesday posts, I greatly apologize. I have been insanely busy working on getting this book ready for publication. I will try to post something later today, but at this point, I have nothing new. Today’s psalm is one of the Songs of Ascent. In the introduction of the new […]
Read the rest of this entry »Psalm 121
Where My Help Comes From A Song of Ascents Psalm 121 When I am aware that I need help I look just beyond Where my eyes usually look My help comes from The One Powerful and amazing enough To have created the universe Nothing happens to me That he is not in control of Not […]
Read the rest of this entry »Psalm 119 and Book progress update
After resubmitting every day this weekend, I finally clicked the “Approve” button. The paperback should be available on Thursday, March 5 at Amazon planned. If I am wrong, it will be there on Friday or Saturday. Now onto formatting the Kindle. I don’t let them do that automatically. I have seen some automatic messes on […]
Read the rest of this entry »Almost There…….Praise the Lord!
I just uploaded the final proof of Praise the Lord, Psalms in the Key of my Life, Volume III (Psalms 101-150) to Createspace. Tomorrow morning, I will be able to take one more look and either approve then, or wait until my self-selected publication date of March 5. I want to take a moment now […]
Read the rest of this entry »Psalm 148: All of Creation Joins in Praise
Praise the Lord! The entire creation joins in praising God Even the highest heavens sing His praises The angel choruses sing The little stars twinkle The sun rises in praise The moon beams The clouds pour out showers of praise Then release colorful ribbons That spread out bows of praise The great gray whale spouts […]
Read the rest of this entry »Psalm 141Reflection
The second volume of my series, Psalms in the Key of my Life, was created fresh. There was nothing I had written earlier that was worth keeping (actually very litte that was written at all). Not so, with volume III. Psalms 121 and 141, I kept just as they were. There were several others I […]
Read the rest of this entry »Smashwords Author Interview
I’ve been meaning to share this for a while. This is a new and really helpful feature on Smashwords. They generate the interview questions, the author answers. Here’s mine. Interview with Carol Moye Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing? I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, in a Christian home. […]
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