Cooley High Harmony Your music resonates through my body My spirit Awakening my senses and precious memories “Uh..Ahh..Ohhhh” You’ve been out of my life for over 20 years But one push of a button Brings you back to me.. “I’ll be there for you when you call my name…..” A young mother throroughly enjoying the […]
Read the rest of this entry »Archive for May, 2013
Indie Publishing-You Can’t Do it Alone
I have spent much time in the last few months learning about how to become an independent publisher. I have learned many things so far, and still have much to learn. Here’s a summary of what I have learned so far. 1. You can’t do it by yourself. It is imperative that you get someone […]
Read the rest of this entry »Done! ?
Completed the “final” draft of the print version of my book, “Psalms in the Key of My Life”. Time to stop sitting on it now. I will take another look through everything tomorrow and/or Friday. June 1st will be my official launch date. (Shivering inside).
Read the rest of this entry »Wordless Wednesday (NOT!!)
I was originally planning on going to Phipps Outdoor garden today. It is a very spiritual place for me, and would have been a great place to try out my Bokeh kit. Unfortunately, I am still hurting from whatever I did wrong in Yoga yesterday, so a day of physical rest is in order. That […]
Read the rest of this entry »To Pay or Not to Pay
Great post by Carol Wyer this morning on her experience marketing her books. The gist is that forming online relationships is far more beneficial than what you get from paid marketing. Here’s the article from her blog: Facing 50 with Humour
Read the rest of this entry »My Progress This Week….
So, Monday was supposed to be short story day. It was Memorial Day. Had guests, threw me off my game. Expected for a holiday, right? Tuesday, music composition day. Went to yoga class (came home sore-Boo!), finished Frelisa’s critique, thought about music, read racoon book from review group, wrote review for Lovely’s book, meditated, thought […]
Read the rest of this entry »Critique Parter
Loving my critique partner, Frelisa. She found some obvious grammatical mistakes, (How did I miss those?) and made some excellent suggestions. It’s even more clear to me why it is important to have someone else read your work.
Read the rest of this entry »Moving Forward
I joined the Reviewers group on Facebook, and posted a request for reviewers of my book this morning. I was pretty excited to learn that it is now available in the iTunes store and at Barnes and Noble. I can get it on Amazon myself and will do so this week. Pretty exciting. I am […]
Read the rest of this entry »What I Learned This Week
Feeling fatigued for too long and desperate for a solution, I decided to use this week to focus on my health and restoration. I made sure I went to a yoga class or at least practiced yoga each day, played my piano each day, prayed more, ate more fresh produce, listened to music, and spent […]
Read the rest of this entry »Poetry Friday
The Great Artist my life an open page my future as blank as the next pages in my journal the great artist picks up his brush and begins my tomorrow designing magnificence
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