Archive for the 'Writing Advice' Category


There’s a new marketing service for Barnes and Noble authors. It’s called Bublish ( They offered a free trial for two months, so I decided to give it a try. It’s pretty cool. It hasn’t actually helped me sell anything yet as far as I can tell, but I like the way it works. You […]

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Writing Tips from Writers Write

Post by Writers Write.

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Meet JoAnn Meaker

Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to JoAnn Meaker. We are both members of the Walkerton Writers group. I first met JoAnn last year at about this time when she was putting the finishing touches on Four Branches. I really enjoyed reading the chapters she presented to us, and was thrilled when she asked […]

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2014 Reflections

I have learned a great deal about myself in 2014. When I published my first book in 2013, I had no expectations, it was more of an experiment than anything else. I wasn’t ready to return to teaching (or even to enter a school building), so I thought it would be good to learn more […]

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Nook Press: Praise the Lord!

I was excited to learn that Barnes and Noble (through Nook Press) is getting into the self-publishing print business. I uploaded my first book as an epub for Nook a month or so ago. Yesterday I learned that they have expanded into print. This morning, through Nook Press,  I created a hardcover version of my […]

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Free Books to Read and Review has started a read and review program. I am one of many participating authors. Any book you choose will be sent to you for free in exchange for an honest review if you are one of the first twenty-five people who request it. I have gotten two books from this program in the last […]

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Publishing 101 by Brooke Williams

Source Publishing 101 – What You Should Know Before Becoming an Author When I tell people I am an author, they think wow, how glamorous! You get to sit and make things up all day! In part, this is true. I DO get paid to make things up! However, it’s not the glamour most […]

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The Kill Zone: Writing Doesn’t Make You a Better Writer

The Kill Zone: Writing Doesn’t Make You a Better Writer.   So many believe seem to believe that all it takes to be a great writer is to write a lot. This author sees it differently, and makes some great points: 1. You learn to write by learning how to write. 2. Creativity and craft […]

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Most of the Stuff you Need to Know to Edit your Manuscript by Bill Ferris (Writers Unblocked)

I am in the process of editing my twenty page short story/novella. I have read it several times, and it’s been through my critique group. I have a friend who is taking classes on editing who has offered to read it. Why am I still hesitating before sending it? I promised myself one more read-through, […]

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12 Things I Would Tell my Pre-Writer Self by Carol Wyer

Carol Wyer has become one of my favorite writers. Her books are fun to read, her blog hilarious, and her writing advice incredibly useful. Yesterday she posted a wonderful article on Indies Unlimited. As usual, she has great advice for new writers: 12 Things I would Tell My Pre-Writer Self Posted on June 24, 2014 […]

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