Meet Diane Dean White

Written By: carolmoye - May• 09•14

Diane Dean White

Author Interview:


Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?

My new ebook, Stories from a Porch Swing, is about the younger years of my life and growing up in a college town, now Michigan State University, and the memories of the city as well as visiting my grandparents and cousins in the thumb area of Michigan. Being next to the state capitol in Lansing and right across the street from the entrance to many activities on campus are memories I’ll never forget.

When did you first start writing?

I started writing in 6th grade on an old black, Royal manual typewriter. I wrote stories and then poetry, and had a short book of poems published just out of high school. It’s something that seemed to come natural to me. One summer while staying at my grandparents I wrote a novella and an artist friend did the artwork to each chapter. I think she and my grandmother were the only two people to see it other than me, but I had to get those thoughts out! I was a secretary at Michigan State University until we moved to a southern town in Georgia. I applied for a position as a newspaper reporter. Little did I know I’d soon have a weekly column, “Yankee Viewpoints” I loved interviewing people for feature stories, and we returned to Michigan I continued to do some stringer work, but with three young children I enjoyed my best job ever…as a stay-at-home-Mom.

What’s the story behind your latest book?

It’s a book of memories and fun activities from attending a quilting party at age five, to selling Kool-Aid with my brother on Grand River Avenue, and the first time I saw the movie “White Christmas.” I have three more eBooks throughout the years with my own family and two more with memories after we became empty-nesters.

What was the hardest part about writing your book?

This was fairly easy in comparison to my last book, a novel, which required a lot of research, and the next one coming out this fall, This Side of Heaven. I’ve written over three-hundred short-stories, and many are in Chicken Soup or Venice Gulf Coast Living and other publications. I had a four year running weekly column for a Michigan magazine and short stories are something I enjoy. I started writing those before I wrote my first book, Carolina in the Morning, now in eBook.

Is there a message in your book that you want your readers to grasp?

I always try to share God’s plan for our lives, and in my book of short stories I wasn’t aware of that plan yet, but the memories of loving grandparents are something I hope people, and especially kids today will realize how important it is to spend time with older people. They have a wealth of knowledge to share and once they’re gone so are the memories, stories and their ancestry.

What motivated you to become an indie author?

Probably the fact that my last book, On a Summer Night, was so ridiculously high priced, and the publisher didn’t put it in eBook format. Since I basically do the writing and formatting anyway, it didn’t make sense to spend time hunting for a publisher when I could be writing. I do the promotional work myself and decided to go this route. I think we’re seeing a lot of changes in the field of publishing. Each person has to decide what’s best for them in this exciting time.

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?

When someone shares how much the book or story meant to them. I love feedback and so far it’s been good.

What writing advice do you have for other aspiring writers?

Research and know your field and start writing. Just write. The sentence structure is for final proofing….put your thoughts down and let them fly. ☺

What do your fans mean to you?

They are very loyal and I appreciate them so much. It’s fun to get an email about something that touched someone’s heart in my work.

What are you working on next?

This Side of Heaven….it’s in the edit stages now. Next I’ll do another book of short-stories.

Who are your favorite authors?

Oh, I have many. My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird ☺.

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?

My computer and knowing I have cyber friends who began the day with me. We pray for each another and often critique one another’s chapters. I love it.

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

We’ve just moved from a high-rise into a house. I have a lot of antiques I’ve collected over the years and I’m trying to find the right place for them, and decide what the kids would like and what’s going into my garage sale in another month!

Book links:

Stories from a Porch Swing (Amazon Kindle Store)

Stories from a Porch Swing Cover





Summer NighCover
Book Trailer:
On a Summer Night by Diane Dean White

Amazon link: Summer Night

For more about Diane:


Facebook page:



dividing line

Note from Blog Author: Diane sent me a story she wrote about the Five and Dime stores in the 1950s. Although I am a child of the 60s and 70s, I still found that her story brought back fond memories. I remember shopping at SS Kresge with my big brother. I also remember the opening of the first real malls that killed most of the five and 10s. Like the author, I miss the five and dime stores, and take advantage of every opportunity to visit old- fashioned pharmacies and general stores. They are fun and bring back pleasant memories. Thanks for the memories Diane.

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  1. Mary L. Ball says:

    Very nice interview. I enjoy Diane Dean White’s novels very much. She is one of my favorite authors.
    I would love to read the novella she wrote when she was staying with her grandparents. 🙂

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