Vanessa Davis Griggs

Written By: carolmoye - Oct• 23•14

Vanessa Davis Griggs is a great writer and a wonderful person. Everyday she posts really positive inspirational messages on her Facebook page. I would totally love to meet her someday. I have read two of her books so far, and enjoyed both.

Here is the review for Destiny Unlimited that I posted on the Goodreads Site:

Destiny UnlimitedDestiny Unlimited by Vanessa Davis Griggs

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book! I started reading it when I was looking for something to share with my twelve-year-old niece. I continued reading it because my middle-aged inner child loved it. Vanessa Davis Griggs took me on a journey that reminded me of Alice in Wonderful or the Wizard of Oz. The characters were each very entertaining, but each one also taught Destiny a valuable lesson. It was very inspirational and a joy to read. I highly recommend this book.


Ms. Griggs has a new book out, Steely Gray. I”m headed to Amazon to buy it now. Here’s the description:

Twenty-five-year old Lilly Gray has loved to write since she was in elementary school. Her first book was published by a Christian publisher when she turned twenty-one. With a growing number of awards and accolades to show for her efforts, the single and very beautiful “dark chocolate” (as her preacher father always calls her) Lilly appears to be on track as a force to be reckoned with. Maybe that’s why an up and coming author has decided to target her as her number one rival. Whatever is going on, it’s obvious that this twenty-five year-old author who pens erotica and simply goes by the name Ebony has beef with Lilly. And Ebony is having no problems with letting the world know just how far she’ll go to take Lilly on.

Making any and all public appearances wearing various Mardi Gras’ masks and glitzy over-the-top wardrobe as well as other costumes (now a signature trademark to her overall mystique), no one (other than possibly Ebony’s publishing house and any family and friends who might know her true identity) has actually ever seen Ebony’s face.

It’s getting personal between the two, although neither author will ever seem to allow herself to be caught in the same room with the other. A strikingly handsome (an equally up and coming) twenty-eight-year-old reporter named Remington Caldwell is intrigued with both these alluring women—one a good girl and the other one bad. One seemingly an angel sent from Heaven, while the other (at times) appearing to be deployed with an assignment straight from the pits of the devil himself.

The closer Remington gets to both women, the more he discovers who, underneath it all, they truly are. One thing for certain: the two of them give a whole new meaning to the scripture referring to iron sharpening iron and steel sharpening steel. So when Remington discovers the real truth, will his love for the one he finds himself most drawn to cause him to keep the secret? Or will he break the news to his own growing base of fans? More importantly, if he does disclose it, will the truth destroy the life and the careers of both these now hugely successful authors in the process? God only knows . . .

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